Dose for Excel Features
Dose for Excel – Adds More Than 100 Advanced Functions And Features For Microsoft Excel
If you’re tired of eliminating duplicate rows, comparing sheets, or executing hard activities in Excel, Dose for Excel is the powerful convenient solution you need to simplify all of these complicated chores into a few clicks. It has over 100 powerful new functions and features that have been added to the Excel ribbon for your convenience. You may, for example, instantly export sheets, merge cells, rows, or columns without losing data, use the comments helper, count cells by color, use powerful built-in calculations, and easily backup your workbooks. Dose for Excel is a simple application that will save you time and effort.
Feature #1 Sum by Cell Color
I've seen this request far too many times. People mark interesting cells in their Excel data by changing the font or fill color of cells. After spending a morning color-coding their data, they come to me and ask "Now, how do I total all of the red cells?"
DOSE for Excel makes this incredibly easy. You can get the Sum, Count, and Average based on cell color or on font color.
Feature #2 Mark Each Unique Value in a different color
DOSE for Excel calls this marking duplicate cells. If three cells all say “Bill”, then DOSE for Excel will mark all of those cells in red. If four cells say “Mark”, then they choose another color. The end result is a much easier version of my old video #1718, Assign A Unique Color Value.
Feature #3 Count Words, Characters, or Sheets
Microsoft Word happily tells you a word count in the lower left corner of that program. Excel offers worksheet statistics, but it does not include a Word Count or a Paragraph count. Select a range of cells. DOSE for Excel will report the number of words or the number of characters in the range.
Feature #4 Date Picker in Excel
Ctrl+; will insert the current date in Excel. But there is no suitable date-picker in Excel. I’ve previously vlogged about the Sam Rad Apps Date Picker. Sam’s version is free. If all you need is a Date Picker or Random Data Generator, then Sam Rad is right for you. But if you need other features here AND a date picker, then you might as well use the DOSE for Excel date picker. By the way, Sam Rad’s random data generator is still awesome and offers far more than DOSE for Excel.
As a bonus, this video also covers what DOSE calls “Reading Mode”. It basically draws a crosshair across the grid to follow the active cell.