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Save The Marriage System
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These four modules create the powerful Save The Marriage System. It is a complete path to recovering and saving your marriage, regardless of the situation now.

"Save The Marriage" ebook is one of the best programs you can find online to turn a troubled marriage into a thriving one.

It's insightful, full of actionable steps, and written by a therapist and relationship coach who has been counseling couples for more than 30 years.

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What Is The Save The Marriage System?

In its essence, it's a relationship saving program that provides you with 3 essential tools:

1. the ability to change your thoughts and actions positively.

This is important:

Your thinking influences your actions, and your actions determine the outcome.

2. the ability to turn the downward spiral into an upward cycle and create positive momentum in your relationship.

3. an actionable plan to save your marriage. It's going to be hard to achieve something without a plan.

Think of it as a practical guide that tells you what works AND how to do it.

Does Your Marriage Show Any Of These Symptoms?

This is for you to figure out if the program is a good fit for your situation:

  • you have lost the connection with your spouse,
  • your spouse has completely checked out emotionally,
  • you're more like roommates than a couple,
  • there's a lot of fighting or even worse: silence,
  • everything seems to create tension
  • no matter what you do, it seems you're just not able to change your situation
  • you're on the brink of divorce.

Sound familiar?

Then there's a good chance that the Save The Marriage system can help you.

5 Examples Of What You're Going To Learn From Lee Baucom

Save The Marriage costs money, and you should know what you're getting into beforehand.

So I decided to share 5 snippets from the book that I am sure will help you anyway, whether you buy it or not.

1. The 5 destructive things you have to stop doing right now (especially if divorce is on the table)

I am not a big fan of being told what NOT to do because it has little to no benefit.

But in this case, it's different.

Because if you're falling into the trap of doing one of those things, you're significantly lowering your chances of turning things around in your marriage.

2. Why improved communication is NOT the key to saving a troubled marriage (and what to do instead)

In fact:

Most couples in a troubled marriage are communicating about issues just fine – they’re just not seeing the issues in the same way.

Because perception makes a difference:

If your partner does not understand what you are trying to say, and the other way round, all you do is communicate based on faulty assumptions and misunderstandings.

I don't have to tell you that nothing good can come out of this.

So, what you're going to learn here is precisely how you can change your perception first to improve your communication constructively and proactively.

The kind of communication that brings you closer to your spouse.

3. How to become a team with your spouse that wants to win together

This is powerful.

And something that was a real eye-opener for me because I haven't looked at it this way before.

If you're starting to shift your focus from what is best for each of you to what is best for the relationship, you will create a whole new mindset and perspective.

The decisions you make will be towards thriving as a WE that will help you grow together instead of apart.

4. How to stop the downward momentum of your marriage (and how to turn it into an upward cycle)

The good news:

Momentum works in both directions, and you can control the direction, whether you realize it or not.

If you can change momentum to the upside, it will push your relationship in that direction even faster.

There are 2 ways to change momentum:

  1. change in thoughts/perceptions
  2. change in actions

And both are intertwined.

If you're going to change your thoughts and perceptions, your actions will follow.

If you change your actions, your thoughts and perceptions will follow.

But make no mistake:

5. How to create your marriage-saving plan that works and how to stick to it

Marriage and relationships are a marathon, not a sprint.

It takes constant efforts to make things work and stay connected.

This includes having a plan ready (which you will have after reading the book) and following that plan as long as necessary.

Don't fall into the trap of jumping from one idea to another without waiting if something works or not.

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