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The Back Pain Miracle
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Gentle movements that mobilize the spine, release muscular tension and free joints.

The program “Back Pain Miracle System” relieves back pain while enhancing flexibility and strength. You can quickly see results thanks to its straightforward and practical tactics.

The program effectively and organically treats back pain. The Back Pain Miracle has been shown to end back pain and speed up healing. By concentrating on the muscles and joints, it attacks the underlying source of back discomfort.

47.00 47.0 USD 47.00


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What’s Inside?

The Back Pain Miracle includes 15 exercises with no side effects that have been clinically proved to relief pain. What you get with the program is as follows:

  1. The Bartenieiff Lateral Leg Slide: relieves tension and discomfort in the lower back, groin, and hips.
  2. The Bartenieiff Rock and Roller: decrease disc pressure and nerve compression to speed up healing.
  3. Piriformis and Hip/Joint Mobilization movement: helps solve Piriformis syndrome
  4. The Towel under Thoracic Spine: It enhances posture while opening up the chest and shoulders. It relaxes the spine and lowers upper back and arm stiffness.
  5. The Knee Side to Side: elaxes all the muscles and joints associated with back pain problems
  6. The Spinal Waves: helps rejuvenate the entire spine and the body.
  7. The Slow Scorpion: aids in improving mobility and balance. It aids in reducing the spine’s deep, cold stabbing.
  8. The Seated Spirals: helps in maintaining a good and strong posture.
  9. The Standing Movement: reduces tension on muscles and improves mobility
  10. The Supported Frog Pose: decreases stiffness and back pain while relaxing your body.
  11. The Bartenieff Supine to Fetal: relieves tension in the lower back
  12. The Roll Over: fixes your spine
  13. Foam Roller Spinal Extension: helps the back and hip flexor muscles relax.
  14. The Pelvis Movement: reduces stiffness and improves motion in the legs
  15. The Straight-Legged Slump Waves: improves spine and neck mobility and relieves tension across your entire back.

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