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Visual Impact Kettlebells - Home Workout Program
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Now You Can Get the Lean Body You Have Always Desired… Without Avoiding Carbs or Starving Yourself to Death.

Visual Impact Kettlebells is  a powerful 12-week program that teaches you synergistic kettlebell workouts that offer a full-body explosive regime designed to keep your physique slim, sleek and fit.

₹ 37.00 37.0 INR ₹ 37.00

₹ 37.00

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Here are just a few highlights from the course:
  • How to get an incredible Full Body workout with just one single kettlebell and the #1 TIP for picking out the perfect kettlebell weight.
  • The reason why kettlebells will work your fast-twitch fibers using a relatively light kettlebell… allowing you to move like a MUCH younger person WITHOUT stressing your joints.
  • Unlike a barbell, a kettlebell is a FIXED weight: these are the 5 main variables you can adjust to get KILLER results and challenge yourself when the weight never changes.
  • How kettlebell lifts performed in the right way torch calories, and why you don’t necessarily have to do traditional “cardio exercises” at all to burn calories and lose body fat.
  • How to make a kettlebell feel 5-10 times heavier than its actual weight… which can increase strength as effectively as an exercise with a much heavier barbell.
  • Why kettlebells have been the preferred method of training in Russia for 300+ years. In fact, in 1913 a Russian magazine reported: “Not a single sport develops our muscular strength and bodies as well as kettlebell athletics.”
  • Any decent brand of kettlebells can be used for our workouts, but these are the 7 top-tier kettlebell brands that we consider EXCEPTIONAL… grab any of them without hesitation.
  • Fast-twitch Type 2 Muscle Fibers require the most energy to fire, meaning they burn calories at a high rate… here’s how to target these with a kettlebell and burn as many calories as possible.
  • How the “Kettlebell Clean” exercise will improve shoulder health by training the neglected external rotation function of the shoulders (just make sure you maintain THIS elbow position).
  • Why less is more: how to burn calories and get lean while doing WAY less work than you are capable of in an exercise session.
  • A simple and SAFE no impact 20-minute explosive workout that will make you sweat like an intense cardio session… without ever experiencing “burn” or fatigue in your muscles.
  • A movement many call the “Tzar of Kettlebell Exercises” that is hard to master, but will STRENGTHEN your body from head to toe. Hint: It’s not the kettlebell swing.
  • How to incorporate “Density Training” into your kettlebell workout and why this GREATLY increases the fat-burning potential of those workouts.

This 3-month program consists of 3 phases.

Phase 1 (Week 1 – Week 4): Foundation

This phase alternates between slow tension-based workouts and fast explosive workouts. The focus is on learning the basic kettlebell exercises while increasing strength and muscle tone.

Phase 2 (Week 5 – Week 8): Acceleration

This phase combines slow tension-based kettlebell lifts and explosive kettlebell movements in the same workout. This is called “neuro-metabolic contrast training” and it increases the rate at which calories are burned while tightening up the body.

Phase 3 (Week 9 – Week 12): Intensification

This phase combines high tension exercises and explosive exercises within the same set (called a “chain”). This workout setup will significantly increase heart rate and calorie burn and has the potential to rapidly melt body fat while improving strength and muscle definition.

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